Good to Great: by Jim Collins
Price: N4000
Product Code: 1334754431
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Number of Pages: 300
Binding: Paper Back
Publisher: HarperBusiness
ISBN: 0066620996
ISSN: 9780066620992
Availability: To be delivered within 6 to 22 working days
Summary: This book by Jim Collins is one of the most successful books to be found in the "Business" section of your local megabookstore, and given how it purports to tell you how to take a merely good company and make it great, it's not difficult to see why that might be so. Collins and his crack team of researchers say they swam through stacks of business literature in search of info on how to pull this feat off, and came up with a list of great companies that illustrate some concepts central to the puzzle. They also present for each great company what they call a "comparison company," which is kind of that company with a goatee and a much less impressive earnings record. The balance of the book is spent expanding on pithy catch phrases that describe the great companies, like "First Who, Then What" or "Be a Hedgehog" or "Grasp the Flywheel, not the Doom Loop." No, no, I'm totally serious.