English Grammar: Parts of Speech and Their Usage: by Mr. Deola Adelakun
Price: N1540
Product Code: 1383647031
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Number of Pages: 296
Binding: Paper Back
Edition: 1st
ISSN: 9780323740
Availability: To be delivered within 6 working days
Summary: Practically enables students in both secondary schools and tertiary institutions to understand the norms and rules of grammar in the use of English. The book is meticulously spiced with interesting elements that prepare students for the lesson as if in the presence of a teacher. For the benefit of students, the book explicitly defines, explains, exemplifies, illustrates, analyses, substitutes correct for incorrect expressions, evaluates and makes clear distinctions between grammatical concepts that students might find difficult to understand clearly. Every unit is followed by evaluative questions to enable students make self assessment and have an exposure to the different techniques employed in setting the questions. Also, copious objective tests are given at the end of every chapter to test students' ability on how proficiently they have read and understood each chapter in the book.