Commander of the Muslim Army:Among the companions of the prophet
by Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar
Price: N5500
Product Code: 1265389460
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Number of Pages: 392
Weight: 230x342
Binding: Hard Cover
Publisher: Darussalam
Edition: 2008
ISSN: 9960-897-26-5
Availability: To be delivered within 6 working days after payment date
Summary: This book is about the lives of those noble Companions and Commanders who led the Islamic forces in the violent and strife.-torn arenas of conflict against the Kuffar (disbelievers). They struck terror in the hearts of the enemy and the strong forts and palaces of Caesar and Chosroes trembled before their might. However, in this compilation, there are not only the stories of the battlefields but also the stories of bravery and courage, valor and piety, austerity and simplicity. These stories describe the, fruecircumstances that led the Muslims to fight more powerful enemies than they were at that time.