The Return of the Water Spirit:African Writers Series
by Pepetela
Price: N1000
Product Code: 1321723735
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Number of Pages: 102
Binding: Paper Back
Publisher: Heinemann
Edition: 2002
ISSN: 9780435912109
Availability: To be delivered within 4 to 6 working days
Summary: Set in Angola in the late 1980's, a time of war, and when the Marxist-orientated ruling elite became engulfed by corruption, nepotism and rampant capitalism. Three centuries earlier, a hideous crime occurred, the beheading of a slave who had had inappropriate relations with his Master's daughter. Now, in the very same Kinaxixi Square in the city of Luanda buildings are falling down one by one baffling the country's engineers. Many describe this mysterious process as 'Luanda Syndrome, God's punishment on a degenerate society. Drawing on the essence of African mythology which had all but been obliterated by history, could this be explained by the return of a Water Spirit (the 'kianda')? The novel focuses on the interplay between these two forces-the forces of old and new. Just like faith can move mountains, the spirit of the water can move cities. This book is a scathing critique of Angola's ruling elite, for abandoning their socialist principles in favour of rampant capitalism.