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Checkpoint Chemistry Pupil's Book- Chapters are presented in the same order as topics in the Checkpoint Chemistry Scheme of Work; Chapters 1-5 are for Year 1, Chapters 6-10 for Year 2 and Chapters 11-15 for Year 3. The clear text and c by Peter Riley
N 4000
Checkpoint Physics Pupil's Book- Chapters are presented in the same order as topics in the Checkpoint Physics Scheme of Work, with the one exception of Measurement which has been placed as Chapter 1. The clear text and colourful illu by Peter Riley
N 4000
Checkpoint English- The Checkpoint English series consists of three books and one CD. Together they form an incremental programme of work with clear goals aimed at raising standards in English. - Each book is divided int by Sue Hackman
N 4000
Finance: The Basics- Finance: The Basics is a clear and practical introduction to the world of finance, allowing the reader to grasp relevant financial concepts and apply them to daily activities and studies. This fully r by Erik Bank
N 4000
The One Thing you Need to Know- ...About great managing, great leading, and sustained individual success by Marcus Buckingham
N 4000
Beyond Entrepreneurship- Turning Your Business into an Enduring Great Company by Jim Collings and William C. Lazier
N 3550
The Everything Resume Book- Create a Winning Resume That Stands Out From The Crowd by Nancy Schuman
N 3500