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Category - Management
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Urban Economics- Arthur O’Sullivan’s Urban Economics is the leading text for this small, but exciting market. This book covers urban economics as the discipline that lies at the intersection of geography and econo by O'sulivan
N 4100
Organizational Behavior by Stephen P Robbins, Seema Sanghi, Timothy A Judge
N 4000
FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF NIGERIA TAX (2nd Edition)- Evidenced in 267 Questions and suggested solutions by SEYI OJO
N 4000
The One Minute Manager - Increase Productivity, Profits And Your Own Prosperity by Kenneth Blanchard, Spencer Johnson
N 4000
Checkpoint Chemistry Pupil's Book- Chapters are presented in the same order as topics in the Checkpoint Chemistry Scheme of Work; Chapters 1-5 are for Year 1, Chapters 6-10 for Year 2 and Chapters 11-15 for Year 3. The clear text and c by Peter Riley
N 4000
Checkpoint Physics Pupil's Book- Chapters are presented in the same order as topics in the Checkpoint Physics Scheme of Work, with the one exception of Measurement which has been placed as Chapter 1. The clear text and colourful illu by Peter Riley
N 4000